

Monster Buster Fishing Reports

Pictures 2005-2004

Check Monster Buster Fishing for latest reports




August 16, 2006 - 3 hrs - 6 for 7










August 19, 2006 - 5 for 9 - lost 4 but did boat 5.


Rick and Brent's Adventure on August 19th














Monster Buster Fishing Reports

Pictures 2005-2004 

August 21st - what a run!!!!

August 22nd - the 30 pounder barrier was broken.

August 23rd - not a lot of fish but 2 that made it worth while.

August 27th - a nice day but fishing was slow

August 29th - Skunked - Just pics of a beautiful sunset and the boys waiting.

October 15th - 22nd, El Dorado Royale, Mayan Riviera, Mexico   A whole week of sunny skies.