
At Lori and Wayne house |

Tera and Ronny |

Sisters - Tera and Tiffany |

Rayna and Christopher |

Nick and Keny |

Jason, Erica, Wayne and George |

Pat checking out the photographer |

Paul, Paxton and Lori |

Renee, Erica, Ronny and Jeanette |

The expecting couple, Renee and Tyson |

Chris and Jesse |

Ronny, Colleen and Kenny at Heaven Dragon |

Casa Bonita Mexican Restaurant |

Waiting to go in |

Having dinner at Casa Bonita |

Lori and Kathy being serenaded by the
Mariachi Band |

Ronny with his sombrero

Ronny and George at Aunt Lori's house |

Rayna and Christopher getting the picture done |

The Mariachi Band |

Jeanette, Nick, Jason Tera and Tiffany |

Nick, Jeanette and Ronny |

The sisters, Kathy, Lori and Colleen |

Last look at the Rockies |
January 24th to 28th - Visiting Thornton,
Colleen Salas
Ken Salas
Kenny Salas
Jeanette Salas
Christopher Salas
Pat Hamilton
Chris Hamilton
Lori McIntosh
Wayne McIntosh
Tiffany McIntosh
Tera McIntosh
March 21st to March 25th -
Las Vegas

Flamingo, room 2290

The view of the Pool park from room 2290 |

The flamingos walking around the park |

The flowers at the Bellagio

The glass flowers at the Bellagio |

The tower of flowing chocolate

At the bottom of he chocolate

Approaching Lake Mead

On the observ. level at the Hoover Dam |

Looking down into the Dam

Looking at the power buildings

Looking down the river

Grabbing a bite downtown with the clan |

Having football drinks downtown Las Vegas |

The kids posing for a pic.

The adults posing for their pic. |

Tiffany and friend

Walking around Vegas

Kathy in the tub at the Flamingo

Jeanette and Kim with Heff

Colleen and Kathy getting Heff drunk

Kathy with Lucy

Colleen, Kathy and the President

Under the Las Vegas sign on our last day. |

Kathy in the tub at the Regal Sun, Orlando |
Jessica and Colt leaving the church
The New Couple
The first dance
The Bridal party
Grandmother admiring the ring
Daughter &
Daughter and Mother
The Bride and Grand Mother
The Couple with the Grand Parents
Mother, Daughter and Grand Mother
The Polish songs

Jessica and George

Becky and George making supper in Daytona |
Jesse with his new friend from Nova Scotia |
Jesse at the beach condo but still working |
Becky and Kathy saying goodbye on the last day |
The Sunglow pier
March 25th to April 2nd -
Orlando \ Lady Lake \ Daytona
May 17th - 18th -
Cuz on an undisclosed lake

The spring camp site on Cuz's unnamed lake. Roughing it. |

Cousin Igor with a day time walleye.

Debbie waiting for the bite.

Cuz with another day time 'eye.

A fish higher on the food chain - a pike. No in Cuz's hands.

Cuz's favorite time for fishing 'eye -
dusk. A nice 'eye.

Another really nice night time 'eye.

Supper before they're cleaned. |
June 4th & 5th -
Sean's HS Grad

Kristen & Sean at their Grad Ceremony. |

Kristen & Sean on their way to the Dance. |

The Gang ready to pile into the limo.
June 10th -
Caitlin Kizlan, BCom

Caitlin and her friend after the Grad ceremony, |
June 21st -
On The Lake

Kristen gets her first LO salmon, a small king.

After a couple hours of trolling, finally hit one just before we go
in. |

July 19th - Girls Day Out on LO

Sean give Kristen a bit of help with her first big king. |

Kristen lands her first over 20, a nice 24 lb king. |

Kristan and a nice smaller king.
August 2nd - The Holkas and McDowells
visit the Trailer

Becky and Kathy inside the trailer. |

Becky relaxing with her sun and glass. |

The gang hanging around. |

Jess showing us he still has it. |

Jess and Colt out in LO fishing. |

Jess, Colt and Steve waiting for a hit. |
August 16th - Solo Run on LO

A nice fight - 23 lb. king. |

A 10 lb. bow